As per the specified guidelines on CCE, Assesments are conducted i.e. four Formative assesments and Summative assesment including the Final assesment. The average of the academic performance of each child for the purpose of promotion shall be computed as follows :
First Summative Marks 50%
Second Summative Marks 50%
The time table for each Formative assesment is communicated to the students in advance in their respective classes.
Attendance at all Assesments is compulsory. As such any student who absents himself/herself, from any assesment shall be considered as absent.
Hence parents/guardians are requested not to ask for exemption from assesment for the purpose of marriage, pilgrimages, pleasure trips, social functions etc.
A student who takes or gives dishonest help in an assesment will be debarred from the rest of the assesments and an even more drastic step, namely dismissal, may be taken by the Principal.
A student who has not remitted his fees will not be allowed to sit for Assesment.
Promotions are made in April after the Final Assesments. Every Pupil has to put in minimum of 90% attendance with a condonation upto 10% for valid reasons.
If a student fails after repeating the same class once he/she has to leave the school.
No applications for re considerations of the cases of a student who has been detained in a class will be entertained except under very exceptional circumstances warranting such a move since the promotions are announced after a very careful scrutiny of the value answer scripts and the entry of marks by the Principal and the staff.
They will be no reAssesment at any time for any reason, except when a student is required to represent the school in some activities outside.